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83 International FLT & FXR 1340cc Owners Manual by Harley Davidson in Large format international edition in 4 languages: English, German, Spanish, & French (83_FLT_FXR_OM - Not a shop manual)
$39.95 |
82-83 FXR Parts Catalog Manual by Harley Davidson (82_FXR_Parts)
$49.95 |
83-87 Cycle World Road Tests 80 pgs by Brookland including XR1000 FXRT Evolution 883 Sportster FLHTC XLH 110 Sportster FXST Softail XR750 XLX MOKO H-D FXRDG FXRD FXLR (85_A_HD83)
$23.95 |
78-83 Cycle World 80 pgs by Brookland covering models FLH80 Electra Glide, FXRS, FLT80 Tour Glide, XLS1000, KR750, FXB-80 Sturgis, XLS Sportster, XR1000 (81_A_HD78)
$23.95 |
79-85 XL & XR Shop Service Repair Manual by Harley Davidson (79_SvcMan)
$44.95 |
78 1/2-84 Harley Davidson FL FX Electra Glide Super Glide 1200 1340 4 speed Shop Service Repair Manual by Harley (80_99482_82)
$99.95 |
82-92 Harley-Davidson FXR Series Performance Portfolio articles on road and comparison tests by Brookland including models Super Glide II, Sport Glide, FXR, FXRS, FXRT, FXRDG, FXRD, FXLR, FXDB, FXDC, SB (87_A_HD2BPP)
$89.95 |
66-84 Harley Davidson Shovelhead Shop Service Repair Manual, 440 pgs by Clymer FL 73-84 FXE(74-84 FLH 73-84 FXEF 80-84 FXB 80-84 FLHS 80-83 FXS 78-84 FXSB 80-84 FX 73-79 FXWG 80-84 Super Glide FL 71 Electra Glide FL 66-72 (75_M420)
$39.95 |
59-85 Harley Davidson Sportster H CH XLCH XLH XLCR XLX XLS XL shop Service repair Manual by Clymer (66_M419_Svc)
$32.95 |
70-99 Big Harley Davidson Twins (1200 & 1340, Inc Evolution) shop service Repair Manual by Haynes (82_2536)
$34.95 |
70-99 Harley Davidson Shovelhead and Evolution Shop Service Repair Manual by Haynes Covers FL FLH FLHS from 70-80 FX FXE FXS FXEF from 70-80 FLT FLTC/U FLH FLHF FLHR FLHS FLHT FLHTC/U from 78-99 FXR FXRS FXRS-SP FXRS-CONV FXLR FXRD FXRT from 82-99 FXB FXD FXE FXDG FXDL FXDWG FXDS-CONV FXEF FXS FXSB FXWG FXST FXSTC FXSTS FLST FLST-SP FLSTC FLSTF FLSTN from 79-99 Dyna FXD FXDB FXDC FXDL FXDS-CONV FXDWG from 91-98 (85_2536)
$39.95 |
101 Twin Cam Performance Projects for Harley Davidson Motorcycles by Maida & Zimmerman (86_136265AP)
$29.95 |
How to Build Harley Davidson Horsepower Book by Tom Murphy 160 pages (87_HarleyHorseP)
$34.95 |
101 Harley Davidson Evolution Performance Projects by K Woodring (90_139849)
$34.95 |
The Classic Harley History Book by Mark Williams 143 hardbound pages (70_ClassicHarle)
$29.95 |
The Rebels - A Brotherhood of Outlaw Bikers by D Wolf (92_RebelsBrothe)
$16.95 |
70-2013 Sportster Shop Service Repair Manual 228 pages by Haynes including XL XLH XLCH XLS XLX 883 997 1100 & 1200 Harley Davidson (87_2534)
$44.95 |
Classic Harley Davidson Big Twins - Knuckleheads Panheads and Shovelheads by Mark Marselli - Knuckleheads 36-47 - Panheads 48-65 - Shovelheads 66-84 (60_BigTwins)
$34.95 |
36-84 Classic Harley Davidson Big Twins Knuckleheads Panheads & Shovelheads by M Marselli published by Motorbooks International history book with numerous color photographs (60_HarleyTwins)
$19.95 |
Harley Davidson Sportster Performance Handbook by Buzz Buzzelli 190 pages (82_124430AP)
$24.95 |
The Living Legend, Harley Davidson, by William Green (66_0517066831)
$19.95 |
42-96 Gatefold Book of Harley Davidson by J Carroll Hardcover history & specifications18 large fold-out for as many bikes from1942 WLC Civilizianized tpo 1996 XL Sportster 1200 Custom (69_Harley_Hist)
$24.95 |
How to Hop Up and Customize your Harley Davidson Softail by T Remus with 144 photos and more than 300 color photos (70_140129)
$24.95 |
How to Build a West Coast Chopper by Mike Seate 160 pages 250 color pictures (90_137253AP)
$24.95 |
American Chopper The Fine Art of the Custom Motorcycle 240 pages Most of these modified motorcycles begin as a Harley Davidson (70_AmChopper)
$19.95 |
Chopped Harleys 50 Years of Rebellious Motorcycles by J Carroll 128 page hard cover history detailing the rise of Harley chopper culture (70_ChopHarley)
$19.95 |
Harley Davidson by A Girdler & J Hackett a history of the Harley Davidson (80_140266)
$9.95 |
Grand National Americas Golden Age of Motorcycle Racing by Joe Scalzo 192 hardbound pages 75 color 125 BW photos featuring bikes such as Harley Davidson BSA Triumph Norton Yamaha (80_70_13868)
$34.95 |
Half Priced Harley a Guide to Saving Money During the Restoration Process by R Fox 143 page restoration manual (45_HalfHarley)
$24.95 |
Restoring Motorcycle Electrics by Roy Bacon For Owners and Restorers of all Motorcycles Vintage Classic and Collectible (60_Rest_Electri)
$89.95 |
Rolling Thunder The Harley Davidson Legend by Martin Norris (70_1561381314)
$19.95 |
Harley Davidson - A Visual History by Mac McDiarmid (60_HarleyVisual)
$34.95 |
American V-Twin Engine Handbook by the Editors of Hot Bike Magazine 192 pages (72_1455)
$18.95 |
03-87 Harley Davidson Motor Company an Official Eighty Year History by D Wright published by Motorbooks International 288 page hard cover history (45_Harley80YR)
$24.95 |
03-88 Concise History of Harley Davidson by S Barrington oversized hard cover history with numerous photographs (45_HarleyConcis)
$19.95 |
Harley-Davidson Photographic History; Wolfgang Wiesner, 400 photos, 244 pg (43_0879383437)
$29.95 |
03-89 Big Book of Harley Davidson by T Bolfert published by Harley Davidson Inc 465 page oversized history (46_HarleyBig)
$19.95 |
03-90 Tech Tips & Tricks Vol 1 Time Savin Tools Guides Charts and Harley Davidson Ref Materisl by Easy Riders (50_HDall)
$59.95 |
03-90 Volume 2 Tech Tips & Tricks Time Savin Tools guides charts and Harley Davidson Reference material by Easyriders VOL 2 (50_HDallV2)
$39.95 |
03-90 Harley Davidson Motor Company an Official Ninety Year History by D Wright published by Motorbooks International 292 page hard cover history (45_Harley90YR)
$24.95 |
Arlen Ness Master Harley Customizer by T Remus 128 pages Illustrated story of the renowned customizer of Harley Davidson motorcycles (465_Arlen_Ness)
$24.95 |
03-90 Harley Davidson by T Middlehurst hard cover history (49_HarleyMidd)
$19.95 |
03-92 Harley Davidson the American Motorcycle the Milstone Motorcycles That Made the Legend by A Girdler published by Motorbooks International 192 page oversized hard cover history with numerous photographs (47_HarleyGirdle)
$14.95 |
Harley Davidson The Customs of Arlen Ness 30 Years of Hand Crafted Motorcycles by T Remus 127 pages (45_Arlen_Ness)
$22.95 |
03-93 90 Years of Harley Davidson 112 page history published by American Iron Magazine (50_90YearHarle)
$9.95 |
03-93 Harley Davidson An Historical Overview 159 pages published by Harley Davidson (53_Harley_David)
$24.95 |
Total Control - High Performance Riding Techniques for Bikes by Lee Parks - Explains techniques for high performance riding of street motorcycles (90_135935AP)
$26.95 |
03-93 Harley Davidson Parts Performance Parts Directoryl by D Mann 160 page directory with over 350 companies world wide ofering Harley parts (47_HarleyPartDi)
$34.95 |
03-94 Harley Davidson Ultimate Machine by T Rafferty 192 page hard cover history (50_HarleyRaff)
$19.95 |
03-41 Herbert Wagner Mark Mitchell Tim Remus Allan Gridler Combines Three Enthusiasts Color Series titles Classic Harley Davidson, Harley Davidson Customs and Harley Davidson Motorcycles in one value priced book. (46_136838AP)
$15.95 |